1280 Millstone Square,Westerville, OH 43081

$ 459,9002beds2baths
    1280 Millstone Square,  Westerville, OH 43081
    MLS #:224025596
    Price:$ 459,900
    Baths:2 Baths (2 F)
    Type:Single Family
    Size:3,280 ft²

    Welcome to 1280Millstone.com

    One story living with an incredible view. High, vaulted ceilings in the island kitchen, great room, and owners suite won't make you feel like you are downsizing. This ranch-plus, open floorplan offers a first floor owners suite, a 2nd bedroom/office on the first floor, and an open loft flex/guest suite upstairs. The finished basement matches in quality, adds an additional living room, and offers tons of storage. This lot was chosen by the original owner (a landscpae archtect) for the incredible pond view framed by mature trees. Enjoy your evenings wth family/friends in the screened porch or cookouts on the deck.
    Mortgage Calculator
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    *Rates for December 2024. Information displayed is accurate as of the date of the latest update and is subject to change without notice. Loan pricing can only be locked through a home mortgage consultant. Other restrictions may apply. The Rate/APR and other terms may vary from those displayed based on the creditworthiness of the borrower, the type of dwelling, whether the borrower is self-employed, the location of the property and other factors. Please contact a lender in your area to determine what rates you qualify for.

    **Rates calculated from national averages.  To determine rates in your area please contact your local lender.

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    Michael Parsons

    (614) 563-3822
    Gary Parsons
    (614) 226-6503
    Michael Parsons

    Parsons Real Estate Group

    6641 N. High street

    (614) 563-3822
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